Zinc Deficiency - Signs, Symptoms, Foods & Supplements


 Zinc is considered an essential micronutrient, supporting over 200 biochemical reactions in the body.

But the unfortunately reality ... many of us find it hard to get enough zinc in our diet through food alone.

Leading to a range of long term negative impacts on our health

In this short blog & the video above, we breakdown common signs & symptoms of zinc deficiency.

What can cause zinc deficiency.

And the different foods & supplements with the highest sources of zinc.




One of the first signs or symptoms of zinc deficiency is hair loss or hair thinning.

Zinc supports the health & integrity of the hair follicles, which are the structures on our skin where the hair actually grows through.

Without enough zinc, hair follicles can become compromised, which restricts their ability to support hair growth. 



Zinc supports a protein in our hair which is responsible for hair length & hair strength called keratin.

Without enough keratin production, the overall strength of our hair becomes a lot weaker, which then leads to thinning & at our worst case scenario, hair loss.

In terms of acne, zinc helps regulate sebum production, whhich is an oil that our skin produces particularly as a response to dryness

The issue though … if sebum production is too high, this can block & clog the pores.

Which can lead to breakouts & acne.



And another absolutely telltale sign of low or deficiency in zinc is you're someone who's always getting sick or always catching a cold.

Zinc is essential for the development of immune cells like lymphocytes & natural killer cells (what a name they have)!

And these cells help defend our immune systems against infection.



An interesting fact about zinc … our bodies haves no natural storage of zinc.

So we have to get it through our food every single day.

And we have to get it through good quality, nutrient dense foods ...

Often the opposite to a lot of diets which are high in processed foods & depleted in not only zinc ...

But many of the key micronutrients we need for optimal health, like magnesium & iron.

Also, diets too high in grains, which is often the case for a lot of the vegetarian or vegan communities, can actually block zinc absorption.

The reason for this is these foods are high in a compound called phytates.

Phytates (or phytic acid) are compounds found in plants that bind / chelate to minerals during the digestion process & block the absorption of key minerals like zinc

Foods like oats, nuts, seeds & grains have some of the highest phytic acid levels & should be taken into consideration when optimising a diet for zinc absorption. 



How do we ensure we're never going to be zinc deficient?

Number one is we have to eat a diet of real whole foods that are high in zinc.

Oysters, red meat, seafood, organ meats have some of the richest sources of zinc.

And if you struggle to get enough zinc through food alone.

Then high quality zinc supplements like zinc glycinate & zinc picolinate will be able to support.

And just remember, if you're going to supplement with zinc ...

Of course, always check with your health care professional first ...

But make sure you keep the dose on the lower side at 10 to 15 milligrams of elemental zinc per day.

Doses that are too high can actually cause imbalances of other key minerals like copper.

But if you keep the dose low at 10 to 15 milligrams per day, which is still in line with daily recommended dietary intakes of 11 milligrams per day, then the risk of causing imbalances in other key minerals is a lot lower.



We hope this has given a bit more insight as to the common signs & symptoms of zinc deficiency. 

Why someone might be deficient in zinc.

And how you can optimise your diet for zinc absorption through nutrient dense whole foods & if you need them, high quality zinc supplements like zinc glyinate. 

There's no question about it ... zinc is an essential mineral for optimal health.

And essential for anyone looking to live as the best version of themselves. 

Thank you for giving us your time to read this blog & most importantly ... for allowing us to support you on your journey to great health.

We're here if you have any questions. 



The information provided here is for general informational purposes only & should not be considered as professional medical advice or a substitute for consulting with a healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.