Vitamin D3 vs Vitamin D2 Supplements: Which Is Better?


Vitamin D supplements can be an extremely effective tool for anyone looking to optimise their vitamin D levels. 

Especially when modern lifestyles and limited access to vitamin D rich foods, hurt our chances of meeting daily recommended guidelines for vitamin D, most optimal for long term health. 

But before rushing out to buy a vitamin D supplement ... it's important to understand which form of vitamin D is most optimal for raising your vitamin D levels. 



Vitamin D supplements come in two forms:

Vitamin D3, called colecalciferol.

And vitamin D2, ergocalciferol.

Vitamin D3 supplements provide a similar benefit as if we were getting vitamin D naturally through the sun ... which is the best source of vitamin D.

Whereas vitamin D2 supplements provide a similar benefit from foods that are rich in vitamin D2, most often found in mushrooms.

Both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 will help support baseline vitamin D levels in the body. 

But the science shows vitamin D3 supplements are more effective at raising vitamin D levels than vitamin D2.

So when you're comparing different types of vitamin D supplements, always look to the form vitamin D3.



So now that you understand vitamin D3 is the preferred form of supplement to raise vitamin D levels.

The second consideration is whether you'd prefer a plant based form of vitamin D3 which you can get form lichen ... a small, unique plant species that shares similar characteristics to algae and fungus.

Or the more traditional forms of vitamin D supplements made from lanolin ... an oil from sheep's wool & a byproduct of sheep’s wool farming.

At Honour Health, our preference is vitamin D3 supplements from lichen as they provide a completely plant based form of vitamin D3, without the need for animal inputs. 

And, because lanolin is a byproduct of sheep's wool, which sheep’s wool is often treated with different insecticides and pesticides to control pests.

There's always a risk of contamination, especially if the sheep aren't treated and farmed in a way that follows organic practices.

So looking to vitamin D3 supplements from lichen will typically have a lower risk of contamination.



Hopefully the above has provided a little more insight as to the different types of vitamin D supplements. 

And why for anyone looking to optimise their vitamin D levels, through the support of a supplement, that vitamin D3 is going to the preferred option when comparing to vitamin D2.

Thank you for giving us your time to read this blog & most importantly ... for allowing us to support you on your journey to great health.

We're here if you have any questions. 



The information provided here is for general informational purposes only & should not be considered as professional medical advice or a substitute for consulting with a healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.