Why Magnesium Glycinate Is Recommended For Sleep


One of the main reasons Magnesium Glycinate supplements are most often recommended for sleep …

It's the only form of magnesium that's bound to the amino acid & inhibitory neurotransmitter, glycine.

Glycine improves absorption …

The more you absorb, the more benefit you'll experience. 

Helps calm the nervous system … 

Putting your mind and your body into a state where you're most receptive to good quality sleep.

And helps lower your core body temperature ...

Optimal for good quality sleep.



Two ways ...

When you combine magnesium with the amino acid glycine, it creates a more stable form of magnesium.

This means the magnesium can more easily pass through the intestinal wall, which is the part of the digestive system where nutrients are absorbed.

And ...

Magnesium that is bound to glycine is less likely to be impacted by different compounds in foods that can block its absorption,

A common experience that happens with a many key minerals like magnesium & zinc.

So because Magnesium Glycinate can more easily pass through the intestinal wall & it's less likely to be blocked during digestion …

You absorb more overall magnesium.

Which has a greater impact in supporting your sleep.



As we touched on above, Magnesium Glycinate is magnesium, bound to the amino acid glycine.

And glycine also acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter.

Inhibitory neurotransmitters help slow down brain stimulation & excitement, helping us to more easily fall asleep. 

And because the brain is less excited …

We more effectively pass through the different stages of sleep including REM sleep & deep sleep …

Which improves overall sleep quality and recovery.

And this benefit on deep & REM sleep is specifically because glycine acts as this inhibitory neurotransmitter.



Last but definitely not least … glycine helps regulate body temperature (essential for good quality sleep.

It does this by promoting the widening of blood vessels, more formally known as vasodilation.

Which helps cool down and lower the overall core body temperature.

Vasodilation signals to the brain that it's time for sleep

And helps promote deep and restful sleep.


Magnesium Glycinate supplements can be an extremely effective tool to support many areas of health ... like sleep.

But it's always important to remember that what works for some, may not always work for you. 

Although minimum nutrient dietary intakes are universal for us all ... 

Sensitivities to minerals like magnesium & amino acids like glycine are highly individual. 

And you should always consider your needs &/or the advice of a healthcare professional when looking to incorporate any supplement, including Magnesium Glycinate for sleep. 



The information provided here is for general informational purposes only & should not be considered as professional medical advice or a substitute for consulting with a healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.