How to take Magnesium Glycinate supplements? Two of the best options

Let's start by saying, in terms of a high quality magnesium supplement, Magnesium Glycinate, in our eyes, is at the top of the list. 

So we acknowledge you for making a great choice!

But choosing Magnesium Glycinate is just the first step.

It's now time optimise HOW you supplement Magnesium Glycinate for maximum effectiveness.



There are plenty of blogs on why for anyone looking to live in optimal health, it's crucial to get enough magnesium in your diet through food & if you need them, supplements.

So we're not going to cover that here.

This blog is about providing you with TWO of the most effective ways to supplement Magnesium Glycinate.

Based on TWO of the most common reasons why people look to Magnesium Glycinate in the first place.

To support sleep & support stress.

Your reasons for supplementing Magnesium Glycinate are going to be specific to you. 

So it's important to first ask yourself ... 

"Outside of simply maintaining adequate magnesium levels ... what is the main reason why I'm supplementing Magnesium Glycinate?"



If you've come across our content before, you know we strongly encourage customers to split the dose of their Magnesium Glycinate ...

As research shows taking smaller doses of magnesium more frequently, is more effective at raising magnesium levels, when compared to taking one large dose.

So for both of these options, depending on how much elemental magnesium** is in your Magnesium Glycinate supplement, we recommend you split the dose over different times of the day / night.

(**elemental magnesium is the amount of pure magnesium in a magnesium supplement ... with the remaining weight being what the magnesium is bound to ... Magnesium Glycinate is magnesium bound to two glycine amino acids).



To support sleep & using our Magnesium Glycinate as the example, with 1 capsule containing 90mg of elemental magnesium. 

We recommend taking 1 - 2 capsules late in the afternoon or at dinner.

And another 1 - 2 capsules just before bed (ideally, around 2 hours after your first dose).

Current baseline Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDI's) for magnesium are 320mg for healthy adult women & 420mg for healthy adult men. 

So adjust how much you take to current RDI's ... or on the advice of your healthcare professional.



To support stress & again using our Magnesium Glycinate as the example ...

We recommend taking 1 capsule in the morning.

And another 2 - 3 capsules throughout the day / into the night (aim for at minimum 2 hours between doses).

This will ensure you're getting the full support of Magnesium Glycinate's calming effects on the nervous system as you go about about your day.

For both options, you can choose to supplement with or without food.





A quick point before wrapping up .. it’s rare, however for some people, supplementing Magnesium Glycinate at night can actually make them feel quite energised, which would have a negative impact overall sleep quality.

One reason for this could be that the amino acid glycine, which the magnesium is bound to, is increasing brain stimulation & nervous system activity.

When for most people, glycine reduces stimulation.

If this is the case for you, we'd recommend supplementing throughout the day, or perhaps even looking to another high quality form of magnesium like Magnesium Threonate.



Magnesium Glycinate supplements can be an extremely effective tool to support many areas of health ... like sleep & stress.

And although we’ve done our best to summarise two ways, based on the current available research, to effectively supplement Magnesium Glycinate.

There are two last points to consider. 

One, your health needs a specific & what works for some may not work for you.

So be careful not to judge your results on the experience of someone else.

And two, the above information should never replace the directions for use detailed by the brand of Magnesium Glycinate you use.

Or the advice of a qualified healthcare professional.

Thank you for giving us your time to read this blog & most importantly ... for allowing us to support you on your journey to great health.

We're here if you have any questions. 



The information provided here is for general informational purposes only & should not be considered as professional medical advice or a substitute for consulting with a healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.